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Sedona City Council Budget Meetings on the 17th/18th - Trails Support

17 Apr 2024 7:03 AM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

Comments provided at the April 17th Budget meeting:

We are here today to speak in support of the new Program Manager position being added to the Public Works Department for a growing need for parking and trails management.

Why is the position important for Sedona and VVCC members?

  • Residents and tourists alike reside and visit Sedona due to the natural beauty.
  • Few places have such incredible access to Trails from their front doors.
  • Through the work and investment of volunteers, non-profits like VVCC & the Forest Service, a world-class Trail system of 425-miles has been built that residents and tourists enjoy.
  • However, challenges have emerged, and we are here in Support of this Position.
  • The city currently has limited or no representation at many of the meetings & working groups that focus on the Trails and connections resulting in delays. These delays result in Traffic & Safety issues, as the right trails & thoughtful trail connections can assist with our traffic problems & safety issues.
  • The timing is right for this position, as many initiatives would benefit from having a person at the City focused on the Trails: 
    • Greater Sedona Recreation Collaborative
    • The Verde Front
    • Red Rock Ranger District Planning efforts
    • Tourisms Advisory Board
    • SIMs and the Shuttle
    • Cultural Park Master Planning

We spent some time searching for City’s with surrounding trail Networks.

Prescott, Hot Springs, AR, Boulder, Park City, Bonney Lake, WA, Breckenridge, Montrose, CO, Lake Tahoe, Jackson Hole all have FT City Trails positions

Please vote in support of this Program Manager, Sedona needs this position.

We encourage VVCC members to reach out to the Sedona City Council to express your support for the VVCC's position on adding a Program Manager position To the Public Works Department Budget for a growing need for parking and trails management , link here.



The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona.




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