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Calling All VVCC Ride Leaders

Leading a VVCC ride is meant to be fun for you and everybody on the ride. Any current VVCC member can lead a VVCC ride. Being a ride leader means you define the ride, when it is, where it goes and where it starts. A ride leader does not have to ride at the front of the group. The great thing about leading a ride is that you get to choose the route, the pace and the rest stops. You get to show people your favorite routes, favorite hills, favorite vistas and points of interest. You get to meet new people who share you interest in cycling, and you get to learn about the other interests fellow cyclists might have. By leading a ride, you have the ability to share and learn safe bicycling habits and to foster cycling in our community. By leading a safe and fun ride, you become an ambassador for the Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition and the great sport of cycling.

The below guide and checklist are intended as a resource to assist members in planning and leading a successful VVCC group ride. 

VVCC Ride Leader's Checklist

Email to become a Ride Leader, as we can assist in getting you setup on Meetup.



The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona.




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