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A world class bicycle environment in the greater Verde Valley region.


The mission of the VVCC is to advocate for Verde Valley cyclists by providing memorable, safe riding experiences while preserving and expanding biking access through partnerships.


The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona. 

We have approximately 300 members from all parts of the Verde Valley. Our successes include:

  • Bike lanes on AZ-179 & 89A - 2010
  • Sedona Bike Skills Park – 2016
  • Hundreds of volunteer hours annually 
  • Founded an award winning youth mountain biking program that since October 2018, has grown to over 600 participants and is now run in four rural AZ counties (Yavapai, Coconino, Pinal and Pima) by Wheel Fun
  • Raised over two thirds of a million dollars ($667,658.45) for the Prescott National Forest’s Verde Trails and Access Plans implementation
  • Raised over 150,000* for trail work in the Coconino National Forest
  • Fields a 62 member Bike Patrol who assists, educates and informs trail users in both the Red Rock and Verde Ranger Districts of the Coconino and Prescott National Forests
  • Swept AZ-179 from the Red Rock Ranger District to Back-O-Beyond Rd for three years (2016-2018)
  • Purchased 52 large updated kiosk maps for all Red Rock Ranger District Kiosks (2022)
  • Raised more than $10,000 annually through activities at the Sedona Mountain Bike Festival  each of the last 7 years (2017 - 2023)
  • Successfully advocated with the City of Sedona for the Go Sedona Pathways Plan which is network of bike routes, trails, and pathways in the city of Sedona; and now incorporated into the City 10 yr transportation master plan.
  • Maintains the bike fixit stations located at 7 Red Rock Ranger District trailheads
  • VVCC members serve on the Cottonwood Bicycle Advocacy Committee, Boards of Wheel Fun, Sedona Red Rock and Verde Valley Trail Funds as well as members of the Yavapai Resource Advisory Committee and Arizona State Committee on Trails (ASCOT)
  • 2023 Accomplishments
* note, the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund is the primary fundraising entity for the maintenance and enhancements of National Forest Trails near Sedona and the Village of Oak Creek. The VVCC was the primary VTAP fundraiser until the creation of the Verde Valley Trail Fund in late 2021.



    The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona.




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