The Red Rock Bike Patrol is a NON-ENFORCEMENT volunteer group whose mission is to ASSIST, EDUCATE and INFORM all trail users. The most important requirement is a good attitude - even more important than your bike handling skills! Patrolling is fulfilling for you, an asset to our community, and best of all, it's really fun.
There are other benefits too! Each qualified patroller receives one VVCC Membership*, riding gear, including a jersey and hydration pack, first aid/CPR training, and more. If you'd like to know more, give Patroller Marty Glinsky a shout. You can reach Marty via cell @ 631-512-3439 or by clicking here.
Note: this provides you membership to the VVCC. If you have family members in the VVCC, they will need to have their own membership and VVCC membership card.