C'mon out to Dead Horse Ranch State Park on Wednesday, January 1st and join us for the New Year's Day Ride! If you got that brand new bicycle for Christmas that you'd been dreaming about, here's your chance to show it off (throw some dirt on it to make it look like you've been riding a lot)...
We'll meet at NOON at the Raptor Trailhead (the one at the top of Roadrunner Road in the park). With the new trail sections on the Dead Horse Trail System (Bones, Rust Bucket) there a lot more options if you'd like to ride different routes. The D. H. Trail System now includes over 20 miles of trail - and more than 10 miles of that is fastsingletrack with plenty technical sections.
Since there are now more choices of which route to take, it's likely that the ride will split up at some point. That means that there'll be options for those who those who want to go longer & harder, and shorter rides if you're new at mountain biking, running out of time, or still recovering from the New Year's Eve festivities!
Hope to see to there, and if you have any questions call 928-301-1190