For the second year in a row, the Verde Valley Bikes-For-Kids Program has provided a grant to the Sedona High School Mountain Bike Club National Interscholastic Cycling Mountain Bike Racing Team to defray coaches and team out-of-pocket expenses.
According to Head Coach Eric Mace, "there are 10 kids signed up already and a few more asking questions about the team. There are even two girls this year. The team started practice at the beginning of July and ramps up to three times a week when school starts and there's an additional core training day too."
According to VVCC President Marty Glinsky, "the VVCC Board approved the Verde Valley Bikes-for-Kids Program as part of a comprehensive response to a grant received by the Singletrack Futures Foundation that challenged the VVCC to create actionable programs or plans focused on getting kids on bikes. We're thrilled to be supporting Coach Mace and the team."
"As you can imagine there a lot of associated costs with keeping the kids bikes working and safe, keeping them hydrated and getting to the 5 races throughout Arizona. Last year's funds were so helpful" added Coach Mace. "Right now there are four kids on bikes I have purchased or built up from donated parts. Getting more kids on bike is so great! Helping them gain Strong Bodies, Strong Minds, and Strong Character is our mission. We are first a youth development group and we use bikes to get there" " stated Coach Mace.
If you would like to support the Verde Valley Bikes-For-Kids, please click here. All donations to the Verde Valley Bikes-For-Kids qualify for the AZ State Charitable Tax Credit reducing your AZ State income tax liability dollar-for-dollar up to established maximums depending on filing status.