On November 8, 2018, 24 volunteers descended upon the Cultural Park to break ground on the Western Gateway Trail System in the first volunteer trail work day of the 2018-2019 season. Those volunteers constructed .14 miles of trail and cleared far more.
All in all, the RRRD scheduled 27 workdays with the last one ending right where we started at the Cultural Park on April 25th. Two work days were cancelled due to the Federal government shutdown and two due to snowmaggendon. Of the 23 workdays that were held, 19 involved building the Western Gateway, another officially opened the Transept Trail in the VOC, followed by workdays at Adobe Jack area, Boynton Canyon and Mund Wagon/Huckaby.
Workday sponsors included the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund/REI, the Friends of the Forest, Sedona Chamber of Commerce, Absolute Bikes, Keep Sedona Beautiful, Enchantment Resort, Wildland Trekking, Over the Edge Sports, and the VVCC.
550 volunteers contributed over 2,200 hours and constructed 7.88 miles of trail, maintained another 18.5 miles, adopted .6 miles and rehabbed 2.13 miles.
A huge thank you to the volunteers, sponsors and RRRD! Photos courtesy of the RRRD.