When my wife forwarded the Nextdoor Verde Valley School Road post with the above headline, I immediately secured a copy of the latest Red Rock News to get the details. Turns out the Nextdoor headline was not indicative of the article's news, but the news is important to every Verde Valley outdoor enthusiast.
The Forest Service is proposing new rules with NEPA that when finalized should be a welcome addition to anyone who has had to deal with the Forest Service bureaucracy. Combined with the upcoming personnel changes at the Red Rock Ranger District, the way the VVCC works with the Forest Service will change.
"We highly recommend that anyone who loves the National Forest become familiar with the new rules" VVCC President Marty Glinsky stated.
As one commenter on Regulations.gov stated: "this is way overdue. The FS has had opportunity in the past make positive changes in implementing management of the National Forest system and has refused to move forward with this due to internal opposition and refusal to change. Mostly at the top leadership level...Move forward immediately to process this change. You have direction and orders from the top of Agriculture. No more constant planning, you have the plans, now move forward and get it done. thank you."
A FAQ of the proposed new rules can be found by clicking
You can comment and review comments on the proposed new rules by clicking here.
The Red Rock News Article is posted below.