We recently caught up with Forrest Saville, Trails & OHV Coordinator for the Red Rock Ranger District (RRRD).
Forrest, thanks for taking the time to field our questions. We're hearing there's much news on the personnel front at the District. Can you tell us about the changes and how you think they will affect trails in the District?
It is an exciting time on the Red Rock. We have a lot of new faces around the office. Amy, the new district ranger, has been here a few months and she is coming from Bend, OR. She is coming in with a lot of recreation experience and everyone knows Bend is a great place to ride bikes. Chris, our new recreation staff officer (replacing Adam Barnett), is coming from Florida after years running a large military recreation program. He is very excited to be in Sedona, and just happens to be a really nice guy. Also, Kyle Robb will be coming back to the Red Rock for the winter and will be filling in behind Bret Edstrom. I am very excited to have Kyle back on the team. This will be his 4th season here, and it’s going to be a huge help to have him back on the team.
I think this season will be our busiest season that we have ever had. It will be fun to get the new folks out with volunteers and the trail crew to show them what Sedona trails are all about. It’s going to be a great season.
What's the District's maintenance and enhancement plan/goals for the upcoming trail work season?
I think this year will be our biggest year ever. For the first time ever, we are going to have a 10 person trail crew! That doesn’t happen in the Forest Service….anywhere. Most of them are starting mid-October and will be here until mid-April. We are going to maintain at least 250 miles of trail and build at least another 10 miles of new trail. Our big focus this year is finishing Western Gateway! We have a lot of work to do but with all of our volunteer events and youth corps, we know we can get it done.
Special THANKS to all of our partners that help make this happen. We couldn’t do it without the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund, VVCC, and all the wonderful volunteers.
What's the status of your position with the FS moving forward?
Always a good question – hopefully we are able to move the hiring process along and I will still be here in a year. To be continued…….
Who cuts your hair?
Let’s just say, I am not a regular at the barbershop. When you only get your haircut every 2 years, they tend to forget you.
Where do you see the District's trail effort five years from now?
With any luck, I will still be here growing the program. We have a lot of interesting projects on the horizon including – Turkey Creek, Rimrock, Camp Verde. 5 years is a long time but one thing I know is that I won’t be bored.
Any famous last words?
Please reach out and give us feedback from things you are seeing on trail. If you see areas that need work or something that happened that you don’t like. Let me know!
Hope to see everyone out at volunteer events this season!