We recently ran into Trail Crew Supervisor Kyle Robb at a volunteer trail work day.
Kyle - can you please tell our two loyal readers a little about yourself?
I have worked with the FS since 2010...wow how a decade has flown by. I worked in California, Colorado, Wyoming, Pennsylvania and here.
What do you see as the biggest differences between the Allegheny and Coconino National Forests?
The biggest differences from the ANF and CNF is really tourism. The landscaped is a given difference but the amount of use the Coconino (really Sedona) gets is soooo much larger to the ANF. To add to that, the ANF has a large reservoir and brings in a lot of boaters, different types of user groups. Lots of hunting and foraging as well. Here on the Sedona side of the Coconino is really land use. Very diverse but tons of tourism.
What are their similarities?
The similarities of the forests is that each forst has use for the whole family. ANF has boating and hunting with the DNF has hiking and biking. There is more to do than just those but both places are family oriented.
If you could be the Forest Service Chief for a day, what would you do - and you can't answer, "take the day off"?
If I was chief for the day, I would go out and work with the trail crew. Being in the office sucks.