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  • 25 Dec 2018 8:26 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    VVCC Friday Rides Back When


    VVCC Friday Rides December 28, 2018

  • 24 Dec 2018 4:05 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    Thank you To the following donors for their generosity!

    Mark Evans                Rich Leever           Wally Tibbits              Virginia Baird

    Marlene Macek        Anonymous          Jim & Janet Oliver    Kristen Highfield

    Bob Hudson              Paul Majane         Hubble Family Trust  Kate Hansen

    Alan McNulty            Bob Windham      Daniel Erway               Joseph Green

    Cheryl Harter            Nancy Lorig       Charity Silvera     Dennis & Patti Wyman

    Rebecca & John Ellis    Paul Hallinan       Anne Hess                 Bill Jackson      

    If you intended to donate but the holidays got in the way...

    Donations received through April 15, 2019 reduce your 2018 or 2019 - your choice - Arizona State Income Tax Liability Dollar-for-Dollar Up to $800 ($400 for single/individual filers)

  • 20 Dec 2018 7:40 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    The Mountain Bike Association of Arizona "MBAA" today announced the the VVCC was selected to receive a grant in the amount of $2,500 for the Western Gateway.

    Thank you MBAA!

  • 14 Dec 2018 9:00 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    Marzocchi was founded in 1949 and it is presently involved in the design and manufacturing of mountain bike suspensions. Acquired by Fox in November 2015, Marzocchi was recently re-launched to be more than just fun times and shred fests. Marzocchi is e building a brand that wants to be a true steward of the sport and brings sweet suspension technology to more riders. 

    With that in mind, VVCC Members can score 20% off with coupon code VVCC20. The 20% discount is initiated by going to and placing an order and entering the code when prompted.

    The VVCC has also scored with five Marzocchi forks: 29”(130 mm, 140mm, 160mm) and 27.5” (140mm, 160mm) all in black that will be  used as fundraisers at upcoming VVCC Member events and raffle in conjunction with the Sedona MTB Festival.

    Thank you Marzocchi!

  • 13 Dec 2018 6:43 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    A huge thank you to all VVCC members and supporters who contacted Sedona City Councilors concerning the lack of a comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian plan as part of Sedona In Motion's (SIM) Transportation Plan.

    Several VVCC Members and Directors were present at Tuesday's meeting of the Sedona City Council where various parts of the SIM was on the agenda. It took over two hours for SIM 11 - Bicycling and Pedestrian Plan - agenda item was addressed and the VVCC was ready. VVCC DirectorDoug Copp, Treasurer Kevin Adams (speaking on behalf of the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund) and President Marty Glinsky spoke in favor of a comprehensive plan since SIM-11 was very limited. VVCC members Mike Raney and Scott Keller also spoke in favor of a comprehensive plan as did several residents.

    Providing moral support in the audience were VVCC members Janet Levy, Randy First, Lauren Browne and Evan Puglia as well as VVCC Vice President, Dan Blaettler and Directors Pam Milavec and Don Mathieu. If we missed anyone who was there, please let us know.

    As a result of these efforts, the Council directed City staff to develop such a plan. Democracy at work!

  • 10 Dec 2018 3:35 PM | Deleted user

    A big thanks to all that came for the VVCC Holiday Party, great friends, holiday cheer, prizes and BBQ.

    The raffle raised $1,575.00. Thanks to members' generosity, raffle proceeds at our "free" events help ensure that 1) the VVCC is able to produce "free" events and 2) our sponsors and potential sponsors continue to support the VVCC by providing raffle items and free beer to entice members to consider their offering. Thank you to Bill Jackson, Hollywood Racks, Patti and Dennis Wyman, Trail Sports, Arizona Cardinals, Pittsburgh Steelers, Peter Hart, Paul Hallinan, REI, Lagunitas and all our sponsors in helping us produce these events. Details on how the VVCC uses raffle funds can be found on the Financial Information section on the VVCC's website.

    John Ellis won the $50 Trail Sports Gift Certificate door prize and promptly handed it to his wife, Rebecca. Marty won the Camelbak donated by Paul. His wife, Lisa, was picking the raffle ticket winners since she conveniently showed up after raffle ticket sales were closed. Hmmm. More on this alleged scandal later. The TV grand prize winner, Chris Bolles, also won the Pittsburg Steelers Antonio Brown autographed photo and promptly sold it to Al Milavec for $25, more than recouping his $20 raffle ticket investment. Brad Vierek won the VVCC Gourd, hand painted by Peter Hart. Lauren Barnett won the Sonos Soundbar.

    Patti won a Hollywood Racks bike rack at the VVCC fall picnic, gifted the rack back to the VVCC to use as a Holiday Party Prize, only to win it back at the Holiday Party. Thinking it was her lucky night, she graciously refused the prize. Then Lisa Glinsky picked Marty’s number three times before Heather Parris’ number was drawn. Sadly, Patti’s number was never drawn again. Will the VVCC Directors appoint a special counsel to investigate how Marty arranged for Lisa to keep picking his numbers?

    In addition to the prize donors mentioned above, the second bike rack was donated by Hollywood Racks, the football was donated by the Arizona Cardinals, the AB autographed photo donated by the Pittsburgh Steelers, the $50 gift certificates were donated by Trail Sports, The Samsung TV and Sonos Sound bar donations were arranged by Bill Jackson and the beer was donated by Lagunitas Brewery. The VVCC provided the wine, water and Bigfoot Bar-B-Que. Raffle proceeds more than covered the VVCC’s expenses and the surplus will be available for mission purposes. See more pictures from the party here

    Ride on!

  • 6 Dec 2018 3:27 PM | Deleted user

    VVCC Initiative for Sedona Bike/Hike Plan

    VCC Members-

    Please plan to attend the Sedona City Council meeting, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec 11th to show support for our initiative to move the City to include city-wide multi-use pathway system in the master transportation plan. The Council agenda for the meeting includes discussion of Agenda Bill AB2378, “Discussion/possible direction regarding the Sedona In Motion transportation program”. The Council is appreciative of strong turnouts in support of initiatives. You do not have to be a city resident to attend or if you want to address the Council for three minutes.

    VVCC has sent a letter to each Council member and Mayor Moriarty asking that there be a multi-use pathway system included in the transportation plan. You can read the full letter here

    I hope to see you at the Sedona City Hall on Tuesday!

  • 22 Nov 2018 8:48 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    When you attended a SRRTF/REI/VVCC sponsored Western Gateway volunteer trail work day this season, the delicious pizza you're scarfing down at the après is in large part due to the generosity of Steve Buysse, owner of Famous Pizza & Beer in West Sedona and the VOC.

    Thank you Steve!

  • 21 Nov 2018 12:16 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    VVCC Member Emma Young

    How long have you lived in the Verde Valley?

    I have lived in the Verde Valley since 2015 and moved from Frankfort, Michigan. 

    Are you married and, if so, to whom and for how long?

    I am married to Randy Young from the Verde Valley Bicycle Company.  We got married just over a year ago at a bicycle themed ceremony!  

    What do you do for a living?

    I am a teacher. 

    How long have you been a teacher?

    Four years 

    Where do you teach/what grades/subjects?

    I teach 5th and 6th grade ancient world history at Cottonwood Community Elementary School.  

    What do you like most about being a teacher?

    I love teaching because I get to work with youth, I have so much fun with them.  The other part I love about the job is that it challenges my creative side while allowing me to use scientific based practices.  

    What do you like least about being a teacher? 

    Does your school participate in the Bikes4Kids Program? 

    Yes, we just started a club this year and the students are thrilled!  

    How often does the program meet in your school?

    We meet twice a week for an hour and a half or two hours.  

    How many students participate?  

    We have seven members. 

    What have we missed?

    When I moved to Arizona I wanted to begin riding a mountain bike because it was so popular here.  I did not want to miss out!  I fell in love with riding because of the exercise, being out in nature and most of all the community.  

  • 20 Nov 2018 11:12 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    On May 31, 2018, RRRD Ranger, Nicole Branton, approved the Red Rocks Trails Enhancement Decision Memo authorizing the addition of more than 34 miles of non-motorized trails to enhance recreational opportunities in the RRRD.

    The planned trail enhancement is to occur in three separate areas: the Western Gateway in West Sedona, Village of Oak Creek (VOC) and Camp Verde. Here's what's been happening.

    Western Gateway Update

    On November 8th, ground broke on the Girdner realignment that is part of the Western Gateway, with the first of 12 REI/SRRTF/VVCC sponsored trail workdays. Photos courtesy of Joe Hazel.

    VOC Update

    The Transept trail in the VOC has been closed to cross-country travel to mountain bikes since early 2013 so it was great to see the Decision Memo approving its improvement and adoption into the system. 

    On November 10th, the RRRD conducted a volunteer workday on Transept that was followed by seasonal FS crew work. When the seasonal crew finished the rest of the trail to Hiline, temporary signs were installed and on November 19th, the RRRD officially opened Transept to cyclists!

    According to VVCC Director Pam Milavec "We rode it yesterday.  They definitely did not “sanitize” the trail!  It’s quite a program.  Al did well on it, while I struggled a bit.  Oh well, it’s a beautiful trail!"

    Camp Verde Update

    Also on November 19th, Patrick Kell, IMBA Grants Manager, notified the VVCC that IMBA secured funding to begin the conceptual planning of approximately 5 miles of new trails in Camp Verde. These trail plans will be completed for an area near the planned Sports Complex Park in Camp Verde. IMBA plans to meet with the town of Camp Verde staff in January to discuss the project and expects to have Trail Specialists from their Trail Solutions Department on the ground in late spring 2019 reviewing the terrain/potential trail corridors and will then develop a map and report of their findings. 

    A huge thank you to the RRRD for making it happen!

    This article will be updated as events occur.


The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona.




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