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VVCC Recommended Road Rides

OWLS Monday Ride Option 1

Monday Ride Camino Real into Verde Villages and back.

OWLS Monday Ride Option 2

OWLS Monday Ride Mingus Ave, Zalesky Rd, 89A, Cornville Rd, Tissaw Rd, Cornville Rd, Mingus Ave.

OWLS Monday Ride Option 3

Mingus Ave, 89A, Sedona Wastewater Plant, 89A, Mingus Ave

OWLS Wednesday Ride

Sycamore Canyon Rd Loop

OWLS Friday Social Loop Ride

OWLS Friday Ride Loop through Cottonwood and Clarkdale neighborhoods

Sedona to Cornville Fire Station and Return

This 38.6 mile ride begins and ends at the McDonalds parking lot on State Route 89A in West Sedona. The ride follows 89A west towards Cottonwood and turns left on Upper Red Rock Loop road. There is a great down hill with great Rock Rock vistas followed by a nice gradual uphill.  Turn left onto 89A and then turn left on Page Springs Rd and follow it until you reach the Cornville Fire Station on your right.  There is water at the fire station if you need it!  You return the way you came but stay on 89A until you reach the McDonald’s parking lot.

Sedona to Cornville Loop

Start at McDonald's in West Sedona. Take 89A to 179 and follow 179 East for about 10 miles turning right onto Beaverhead Flat Road. Your will turn right onto Cornville Road in 6 miles when Beaverhead Flat Rd ends. Take Cornville road about 3.5 miles and turn right onto Page Spring Road. After a little more than 7 miles turn right onto 89A and return to McDonald's in West Sedona.

Village of Oak Creek Ride

Start in parking at Collective in VOC and turn right onto 179. At the roundabout turn right on Ridge Trail and a quick left on Crown Ridge. In about 1 mile turn right onto White Tail Dr and then a quick left on Deer Pass. When Deer Pass dead ends turn right and take to Verde Valley School Road and turn left. Stay on Verde Valley School Road until the pavement ends and then return the way you came back to the 179 roundabout. Head north on 179 (3rd roundabout exit) to Jacks Canyon Rd which is the first exit on the next roundabout you come to. Take to the top of  the hill and turn right (it remains Jacks Canyon) road until it dead ends. You have a choice of doing some more climbing and seeing some great Red Rock Views or turning around and heading back down Jacks Canyon. When Jacks Canyon ends you can turn right on Lee Mountain road and add 2 more miles with more nice views or head back down the hill taking the 3rd roundabout on 179 down to the Ranger Station for water and more beautiful views. Then head up 179 until you come to the Chapel roundabout and turn around and return to the Collective parking lot. Traffic conditions are always better earlier in the morning as traffic can get backed up on 179 all the way to the Ranger Station. 

Airee Ride

Start out at McDonald's in West Sedona and turn right onto 89A heading towards Cottonwood. At the top of the hill turn left onto Upper Red Rock Loop road and follow the road about 7 miles until you return to 89A.  Turn right heading up the hill and head into West Sedona and turn left on Dry Creek road. When Dry Creek ends turn right onto Long Canyon road and turn around at the entrance to Seven Canyon's (at the guard shack). Take Long Canyon past Dry Creek road to the end. Turn right to and turn around at the entrance to Enchantment Resort and stay on Boynton Pass road until the pavement ends.  Turn about head back and turn right at the first road on your right and then again at the first road on your right that takes you to a fantastic overlook at the Cockscomb Trail Head. Then turn around taking your first left and then back to Boynton Canyon Road and turn right. Follow the road back to Dry Creek Road and turn right heading to West Sedona. At Thunder Mountain road turn left through a housing development until you come to Rodeo Drive. Turn right and follow the road back to 89A and turn right and you will immediately be back at McDonald's.

Cottonwood Clarkdale Ride

Lake Mary Ride

Montezuma Well Ride

Start and end at G's Burgers in Cornville. Take Cornville road heading East towards I-17. The should is small and the road can be busy so stay as close the right as possible. Go over I-17 turning left and the road becomes East Beaver Creek Rd. Stay on the road and follow the signs to Montezuma's Well. There are restrooms there but no water.



The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona.




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