On Monday, April 15th, the Board of Supervisors approved a new provision to the Yavapai County Road Ordinance allowing a triangle sign showing a bicycle and a rectangle sign saying, "Share The Road" to be used in tandem on county roads to warn motorists of bicyclists. Bob Richards with help from Kevin Dix have worked with Supervisor Davis and staff of Yavapai County to get a bicycle sign ordinance for almost two years. Further work needs to be done to determine the best locations for the signs and to determine a priority list of the roads. Steve Monez of Bike Prescott also attended the meeting on April 15th and will be working to determine the best locations on the west side of Mingus Mountain. By June 28th there will be white stakes placed around the valley on roads such as Page Springs, Cornville, Beaverhead Flat and others to come. If you would like to give input please contact the board of directors at board@vvcc.us