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5 Minutes With - The VVCC Board

24 Jul 2018 3:39 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

Normally 5 Minutes With asks one VVCC member several questions. With the VVCC Board taking a hiatus this summer, we decided to ask each board member the same question, why do you serve on the VVCC Board? Here’s what they had to say…

Marty Glinsky  -  To support the work of the VVCC, both on the road and on the trails.

Dan Blaettler  -   To help support cycling activities of all kinds as a healthy lifestyle option for people of all ages and abilities.

Mike Harris  -   To ensure the community is aware of and supports local programs and laws pertaining to cyclists and cycling issues and concerns.

Kevin Adams  -  To give back.

Lars Romig  -  To see the Verde Valley full of fit happy people living in robust cycling communities with world-class cycling opportunities.

Paul Hallinan  -  To volunteer and advocate for cycling in Sedona and contribute through fundraising and sponsoring volunteer trail work, fostering positive relationships across all user groups and by working collaboratively with the land managers. 

Doug Copp  -  I love bikes, trails and Sedona.

Pam Milavec  -  To “give back” to an amazing area and community.  I enjoy building and maintaining trails, and coordinating with the USFS so that our incredible trail system becomes even better, while also protecting our fragile environment.  I get to work with ADOT and local officials to help make our roads safer for cyclists.  

Rich Leever  -  I am crazy!  I don't have enough to do.  To improve the road riding experience for me, friends, and future road riders in the Verde Valley.  A big part of that was to use my board membership to develop relationships with local, county, and state leaders in order to get their support and/or understanding on issues that affect safety and make riding more fun.  I was also hoping to increase the number of riders in the area.  In addition I have met some other great people on the board that have provided the encouragement and support that resulted in a Bikes for Kids program that is putting more kids on bikes in the Verde Valley and creating a new generation of mountain bike riders.

Don Mathieu  -  To support the mission any way that I can.

Bill Jackson  -  The VVCC board opportunity allows me to make an impact on a place I love and gives me an outlet to share my passion for the sport of cycling. 



The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona.




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