VVCC Board Member Pam Milavec
We recently had the following email exchange with Pam:
1. Pam, what are some of the challenges the VVCC has faced during your board tenure?
We had a couple challenges facing us when I first became involved with the board. ADOT was threatening to remove the Rt. 179 bike lanes because VVCC no longer had funds to maintain them as per a 2009 agreement. Road riders, who had left the VVCC over the years because they were concerned about the club’s direction, were asking for our assistance due to the unsafe condition of the bike lanes. Convincing road riders that there was a place for them in the VVCC and getting the bike lanes maintained quickly became top priorities for the board.
2. What are some of the successes?
Over the past couple years, the club has gone from 65 members to 258 members, including many road riders who have joined both the club and the board of directors. After some political wrangling, ADOT has agreed to take over maintenance of the Rt. 179 bike lanes. New trails are being built and some great existing trails are being added to the Forest Service trail system. The Posse Ground bike park has added to the growth of this area as a cycling destination. We’ve got the Bikes for Kids program and close relationships with local schools. These successes occurred due to an influx of new board members combined with experienced longtime board members who already had great relationships with local partners and the Forest Service.
3. What are your favorite local trails?
The ones I can ride to from my house: Turkey Creek (love the get away from it all feel of that area), Slim Shady, Easy Breezy, Llama, Templeton, etc. And, I’m really looking forward to Transcept becoming part of the local trail system!
4. What have you been up to this summer?
We’ve been back in western PA, as we are still part-timers here in Sedona. We got to see our daughter graduate from college and help her move so she could start her first job as an RN. We did some great road riding, including at Shenandoah National Park and near the Chesapeake Bay. Unfortunately, we had one of the wettest summers ever, so I didn’t spend much time on the mountain bike. I’m really looking forward to shredding the red under the AZ sun as soon as I return!
5. What parting words would you like to convey to VVCC Members?
I think the future of the Verde Valley cycling community is very bright. We now have great relationships with ADOT and Yavapai County, as well as many of the local communities and schools. And, our relationship with the Forest Service is better than ever. There is strength in numbers and a growing, vibrant club will benefit all area cyclists.
5 Minutes With is always looking for VVCC Members to profile. If you'd like to be profiled in a future article, please contact Kevin at moretrailboss@gmail.com.