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VVCC Member Survey Results

20 Sep 2018 2:43 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

In conjunction with the VVCC Board Election, we asked members views on three items: e-Bikes included in the VVCC's Mission; Wilderness Bike Access and Premium Memberships.

56.1% of respondents said that e-Bikes should be included in the VVCC's mission. 21.1% of respondents said No; 15.8% of respondents said they don't know while 7.0% of respondents had no opinion.

As to Wilderness bike access, 68.4% of respondents were generally in favor with some nuance. 17.5% of respondents said Yes; 40.4% of respondents were in favor on trails evaluated and approve by the land manager and 10.5% of respondents were in favor only on new Wilderness declarations where  existing bike access would be eliminated. 28.1% of respondents were not in favor of Wilderness bike access while 3.5% of respondents indicated they were road bikers and had no opinion.

Enough member respondents indicated that they would support Premium Memberships to warrant the discussion with the Membership Committee. 26.3% of respondents indicated they would support a $100 Premium Membership level w/socks supporting Western Gateway (15/8%) and Bikes4Kids (10.5%). 8.8% of respondents indicated they would support a $1,000 Premium Membership level w/Jersey supporting Bikes4Kids (5.3%) and Western Gateway (3.5%). If the Membership Committee decides to launch Premium Memberships, we'll let all members know.

A huge thank you to each member who took the time to vote on the board election and answer the three item questions.


The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona.




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