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  • 27 Aug 2018 11:05 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)
    • On August 27, 2018, VVCC Vice President Dan Blaettler and Treasurer Kevin Adams met with Tom O'Halleran, Member of Congress from the 1st District of Arizona and Chip Davis, Deputy District Director for Representative O'Halleran to brief them on the VVCC's activities. Tom Davis' VVCC roots run deep as he was involved with TRACs (a former Trails Advocacy organization) and with the VVCC's original founding over 15 years ago. Rep. O'Halleran's congressional district is larger than 36 States and he just finished a 14 day district tour. Representative O'Halleran serves on the House Agricultural Committee and he discussed upcoming actions that should have a positive impact with the Forest Service. Representative O'Halleran also committed to helping with any letters of support the VVCC may need on grant opportunities. 
  • 20 Aug 2018 11:21 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    July 1st began the VVCC's 16th year as a bicycle advocacy organization. In recognition of 15 years of improving the bicycling environment and quality of life in the region, we have been scouring the archives - thank you Daniel Paduchowski - to bring our past to the present. The below articles appeared in the January 13, 2006 edition of the Red Rock News and is reprinted below...

  • 14 Aug 2018 3:44 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    The VVCC recently provided a $33,333.33 grant to the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund (SRRTF) to hire and train youth crews for construction, beginning in January 2019, of the Western Gateway Trail System. The Western Gateway is a planned 27 mile multi-use non-motorized trail system, accessible from an area known as the "Cultural Park" just west of the Sedona city limits and north of State Highway 89A.

     Earlier this year, the VVCC partnered with the SRRTF on a Matching Award Program (MAP) competitive grant opportunity offered by the National Forest Foundation (NFF). The NFF was chartered by Congress to enhance our nation's forests and grasslands. The SRRTF was the lead partner responsible for writing and submission of the grant request by the June 2018 deadline while the VVCC was responsible for raising the required $25,000 grant match. The SRRTF was recently notified that its NFF Grant application was successful.

     The SRRTF's grant application originally envisioned hiring one crew consisting of four youths participating in a program run by the American Conservation Experience (ACE) located in Flagstaff for twelve weeks. VVCC members and mountain bikers from 18 States and as far away as Alberta Canada overwhelming responded to the VVCC's various Western Gateway fundraising efforts. VVCC and SRRTF's fundraising was so successful, the SRRTF notified the NFF after award that the scope of work would increase by a third through the hiring of two, four person ACE crews for eight weeks each. The ACE crews are scheduled to begin work in early January 2019 and finish in early March 2019.

     The Red Rock Ranger District (RRRD) will be scheduling twelve Western Gateway volunteer trail work days sponsored by the SRRTF and REI Flagstaff between November 2018 and February 2019. REI will provide giveaways, refreshments and help increase volunteer turnout by announcing these workdays on the REI website and monthly email newsletter. The VVCC will be promoting these as well as all RRRD workdays this upcoming trail work season.

  • 13 Aug 2018 2:23 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    We recently ran into Brad and Mary Viereck at Hickory Smokehouse in Flagstaff.

    Q. How long have you lived in the Village of Oak Creek?

    A. One year.

    Q. Where'd you live previously?

    A. Hemet, CA.

    Q. What did you do professionally before moving here?

    A. Brad - I was a manager for Verizon.

         Mary - I was an instructional aide for special education.

    Q. When did you start mountain biking?

    A. Both of us  started in 2007, when we became "EMPTYNESTER'S".

    Q. Where did you meet? 

    A. In a bar in Newport Beach.

    Q. Is it true Mary that you were underage when you met Brad in a bar and knew it was forever?

    A. Mary - I was not underage at that time.  But we did realize that we went to the same bars when I was underage.  He also worked on the payphones at my high school while I was there.

    Q. How long have you two been married? 

    A. It will 37 years of bliss in March.  And we don't go to bars very often.

    Q. Why doesn't Brad use protection when he rides?

    A. Mary - He's a slow learner. 

         Brad -  Maybe next year.

    Q. What did each of you expect to change with the other after you married but failed?

    A. Brad - Not a thing.  

         Mary - Because he's a good listener. 

    Q. Which one of you is more likely to get serious about riding, skip deserts and eat quinoa?

    A. Mary - Me, but he's the best "Bikeboy".

    Q. What's on your bucket list?

    A. Taking a year to travel with our bikes.  We will see how many new trails we can find.

    Q. Any parting words of wisdom you'd like to share with our three faithful readers?

    A.  Brad - Biking is the fountain of youth. Added benefit is meeting famous celebrities like, Marty Glinsky, and a guy with 2 wives.

          Mary - Riding makes you feel like you're 12 years old, no matter what age you are.  We have met  some of the greatest people on the trails.  We are not stopping.

  • 4 Aug 2018 3:57 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    For the second year in a row, the Verde Valley Bikes-For-Kids Program has provided a grant to the Sedona High School Mountain Bike Club National Interscholastic Cycling Mountain Bike Racing Team to defray coaches and team out-of-pocket expenses.

    According to Head Coach Eric Mace, "there are 10 kids signed up already and a few more asking questions about the team.  There are even two girls this year. The team started practice at the beginning of July and ramps up to three times a week when school starts and there's an additional core training day too."

    According to VVCC President Marty Glinsky, "the VVCC Board approved the Verde Valley Bikes-for-Kids Program as part of a comprehensive response to a grant received by the Singletrack Futures Foundation that challenged the VVCC to create actionable programs or plans focused on getting kids on bikes. We're thrilled to be supporting Coach Mace and the team."   

    "As you can imagine there a lot of associated costs with keeping the kids bikes working and safe, keeping them hydrated and getting to the 5 races throughout Arizona. Last year's funds were so helpful" added Coach Mace. "Right now there are four kids on bikes I have purchased or built up from donated parts.  Getting more kids on bike is so great!  Helping them gain Strong Bodies, Strong Minds, and Strong Character is our mission.  We are first a youth development group and we use bikes to get there" " stated Coach Mace.

    If you would like to support the Verde Valley Bikes-For-Kids, please click here. All donations to the Verde Valley Bikes-For-Kids qualify for the AZ State Charitable Tax Credit reducing your AZ State income tax liability dollar-for-dollar up to established maximums depending on filing status.

  • 24 Jul 2018 3:39 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    Normally 5 Minutes With asks one VVCC member several questions. With the VVCC Board taking a hiatus this summer, we decided to ask each board member the same question, why do you serve on the VVCC Board? Here’s what they had to say…

    Marty Glinsky  -  To support the work of the VVCC, both on the road and on the trails.

    Dan Blaettler  -   To help support cycling activities of all kinds as a healthy lifestyle option for people of all ages and abilities.

    Mike Harris  -   To ensure the community is aware of and supports local programs and laws pertaining to cyclists and cycling issues and concerns.

    Kevin Adams  -  To give back.

    Lars Romig  -  To see the Verde Valley full of fit happy people living in robust cycling communities with world-class cycling opportunities.

    Paul Hallinan  -  To volunteer and advocate for cycling in Sedona and contribute through fundraising and sponsoring volunteer trail work, fostering positive relationships across all user groups and by working collaboratively with the land managers. 

    Doug Copp  -  I love bikes, trails and Sedona.

    Pam Milavec  -  To “give back” to an amazing area and community.  I enjoy building and maintaining trails, and coordinating with the USFS so that our incredible trail system becomes even better, while also protecting our fragile environment.  I get to work with ADOT and local officials to help make our roads safer for cyclists.  

    Rich Leever  -  I am crazy!  I don't have enough to do.  To improve the road riding experience for me, friends, and future road riders in the Verde Valley.  A big part of that was to use my board membership to develop relationships with local, county, and state leaders in order to get their support and/or understanding on issues that affect safety and make riding more fun.  I was also hoping to increase the number of riders in the area.  In addition I have met some other great people on the board that have provided the encouragement and support that resulted in a Bikes for Kids program that is putting more kids on bikes in the Verde Valley and creating a new generation of mountain bike riders.

    Don Mathieu  -  To support the mission any way that I can.

    Bill Jackson  -  The VVCC board opportunity allows me to make an impact on a place I love and gives me an outlet to share my passion for the sport of cycling. 

  • 23 Jul 2018 4:17 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    July 1st begins the VVCC's 16th year as a bicycle advocacy organization. In recognition of 15 years of improving the bicycling environment and quality of life in the region, we have been scouring the archives - thank you Daniel Paduchowski - to bring our past to the present. The below article appeared in an October 2003 edition of the Red Rock News and is reprinted below...

  • 22 Jul 2018 6:45 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    From  left to right Lisa Hanard, Mike Harris, Kevin Adams, John and Rebecca Ellis just before the start of the Taylor House Ride

    The new VVCC kits were on display at the 18th Annual Taylor House ride in Flagstaff on July 21st. The ride offers 30, 45, 65, and 95 mile courses looping through Sunset Crater and Wutpatki National Monuments and starts/finishes at Flagstaff Medical Center. Proceeds from the event support The Taylor House at Flagstaff Medical Center which provides lodging and services for families of patients receiving care away from home.

    For VVCC Secretary Mike Harris, the ride provides an opportunity to spend time with his daughter Lisa Hanard. "Lisa trains for this ride by running and I don't train at all" says Harris. They both rode the 65 mile ride. 

    John and Rebecca Ellis did the 45 mile ride together and were last seen leaving the lunch tent with big smiles on their faces.

    VVCC Treasurer, Kevin Adams, did the 65 mile ride on a whim. "I'm a mountain biker who sometimes gets out on a road bike" said Adams. "The last time I rode my road bike prior to this ride was across Iowa in 2016. It was the most fun I never wanted to have again and today's ride reminded me of that" Adams added. 

    Mike likes to point out that his Strava time beat Kevin's, and Kevin points out that he finished before Mike. VVCC President Marty Glinsky reached by internet while vacationing in Montana said "doesn't surprise me one bit" when he heard about their rides. 

  • 13 Jul 2018 2:52 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    VVCC would like to welcome ABC Body Shop as a Gold Level Sponsor.  ABC Body Shop owner Robbie Allen has over 35 years of customer satisfaction in the Verde Valley. VVCC Board Member Rich Leever has used ABC Body Shop on numerous occasions and has always been completely satisfied with their work. ABC Body Shop takes pride in its highly trained technicians who use the latest tools and equipment to deliver a top quality repair. 

    ABC Body Shop hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.

    1269 E. Cherry Street, Cottonwood, AZ 86326

    PHONE: (928) 634-6442

    FAX: (928) 634-8447

    AFTER HOURS TOWING: (928) 634-9746

    Thank you Robbie for your support!!!!

  • 6 Jul 2018 4:09 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    On July 5, 2018, VVCC President Marty Glinsky met with Sedona Mayor Sandy Moriarity and City Manager Justin Clifton to brief them on the VVCC's activities. Both Mayor Moriarity and Justin are huge cyclist and trail advocates. Items discussed included the August Home Rule ballot initiative, upcoming candidate forums, and letters of support for grant purposes.


The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona.




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