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  • 22 Feb 2024 2:21 PM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

    A pending bill before the AZ Assembly, SB1184, proposes to eliminate access to bicyclists on Rural area “controlled access highways” (i.e., Freeways in rural AZ areas) . SB1184 would normally be a routine bill re-authorizing the function of ADOT for another four years. Unfortunately, part 28-733A has been tacked onto it to prohibit bicyclists from using rural freeways. For more info about the proposed bill go to and 

    Bicycles are (already) currently prohibited on all freeways (the colloquial term for a ‘controlled access highway’) in metro areas; but are allowed on the shoulder in most rural areas — otherwise travel by bicycle would become impractical or impossible in these areas. Safety has not historically been a particular problem, with fewer than ONE incident per year statewide over the course of 11 years.  In comparison, there are 28 bicycling FATALITIES alone on State, County, and urban roads (one of the highest state per capita rates in the nation.) 

    Letters, phone calls, and meeting from riders to elected officials in Sedona and Cottonwood to voice opposition is helpful in getting ACZ Legislators and senators to withhold support for this bill.  The VVCC Board of Directors will discuss this issue at the March Board meeting to determine the most appropriate course of action. For long distance bicycle tourists trying to traverse the State and also to connect with other Western US there are areas where to get from point A to point B requires traveling on a freeway. 

    The Coalition of AZ Bicyclists has concerns about this pending legislature and you may read about it at

  • 19 Feb 2024 8:30 AM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

    Complete Streets is a descriptor for the concept of designing and operating streets in a manner that makes them safe for ALL users, including bicyclists. The concept is implemented at the local, state and regional levels. Implementation is addressed with a wide range of elements including sidewalks, signage, street markings, bike lanes, marked shoulders, medians, pedestrians signals, modified vehicle travel lanes among others. 

    To sum it up, it’s an approach to make streets more friendly to ALL users, including bicyclists. Now, to take it further, The Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program is part of the Infrastruture Investment and Jobs Act that was passed by the US Congress. It grants funds to state Departments of Transportation. When a state DOT is granted these funds they are mandated to use 2.5% of them to create a Complete Streets grant program and Complete Streets design standards. If you followed the recent attempt in the Arizona legislature to prevent the AZ DOT from using highway funds to construct bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure you can understand why, if this were to become law, these federal funds may not then be available to the AZ DOT. Outwardly, an apparent foolish move. Apparently others thought so as well and it appears at this point that this legislative attempt has been defeated for the time being. Unfortunately, there is another legislative attempt affecting bicyclists. Which would outlaw the use of AZ rural freeways by bicyclists. The Adventure Cycling Association, which publishes long distance bicycle touring routes nationwide, has three routes in Arizona that use our rural freeways. This legislative effort has failed in the AZ senate.

  • 17 Feb 2024 5:43 AM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

    Please join us for 2 days of family and community-oriented bike fun! Both days will have live music, food trucks, kids' events (provided by Sedona MTB Academy/WheelFun), local farmer and artist market, wine and beer garden provided by Pillsbury Wine and Smelter Town Brewery. For more info and registration go to

    Volunteers are in need for both days! If you are interested, please reach to Greg Miranda and he will connect you with one of two Volunteer Coordinators (depending on day and your interest)!

  • 19 Jan 2024 5:11 AM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)


    The VVCC has purchased a club membership to Ride With GPS for you! All active VVCC members now have access to premium navigation features on all club routes and events, including:
    • Download and navigate VVCC's routes in the Ride With GPS mobile app for free, or sync to your bike computer
    • Turn-by-turn Voice Navigation 
    • Advanced Turn Notifications with TCX files
    • Offline Maps in the mobile Ride With GPS app
    • PDF Maps + Cue sheets of VVCC routes
    • Estimated time to complete a route 
    Click this link ( to start a free Ride With GPS account and join the VVCC club membership, this will give you access to paid features along with members-only content. 

    If you want to create routes and add them to our VVCC club library, there is also a Route Manager membership available. Route Managers have additional features, including: Advanced route planning & editing tools, route changelog with edit history, and added ability to add routes to events with filtering and sorting options. Contact Tim Miller with questions or to request a Route Manager membership.

    Additional information about benefits of a Ride With GPS membership can be found here (

  • 24 Dec 2023 5:50 AM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

  • 18 Dec 2023 9:38 AM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

    About a year ago we focused our efforts on membership growth for a couple reasons: 1) to build a stronger & bigger local cycling community thus 2) creating more capacity to support all the great work the club does.

    So, how have we done?

    • Added 91 members over the past year, bringing the membership to 256
    • Hosted 9 events attended by over 500 people
    • Generated over 8,000 media impressions per month for the VVCC
    • Added 2 Board members:
      • Tim Miller: leading our Gravel push
      • Josh Peterson: teamed up with Lars on the MTB Committee
    • Grown all our Committees:
      • Road, Media/Membership, Events - all have 5-7 members actively involved

    With this increased capacity, we’ve accomplished quite a bit:

    • Bike Patrol: Funded/kicked off “Chime in Bell” program distributing 20k bells in the Verde Valley
    • MTB Committee
      • Worked with Red Rock Trail Crew to outline the volunteer Trail work plans
      • Drawing out large numbers of volunteers to Trail work days
      • Rolling out Caltopo to assist in identifying trail maintenance needs
      • New trails in progress: Circle Trail, Red Rock Trails Access Plan and some new things at Mingus all active
    • Road Committee:
      • Got Yavapai Co. to add a paved shoulder and rumble strips along parts of Cornville road
      • Got Hwy 89A between Cottonwood and Sedona swept
      • Partnered with the BAC Committee to add bike lanes & wider shoulders along 89A in parts of Cottonwood and Clarkdale
  • 14 Dec 2023 2:02 PM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)


    IF going for a ride and want to use one of the road routes from the website you can open the link on your phone and it will bring up the route. However, in order to “navigate” from the opened route you will have to have a subscription with RidewGPS. By “navigate”  I mean voice turn by turn guidance and written turn by turn instructions. If you do not have a subscription (at least at the “Basic” leve) you can still navigate using the map but you will have to zoom into it to get the road names at the various intersections where you will be turning to stay on route. This can obviously complicate your ability to stay on route.

    RidewGPS has a “club membership” that would allow recognized members to be able to use all the “navigation” benefits of these RidewGPS created maps. The Road Riding Committee is exploring if this might be something the VVCC might want to look into if the road riding membership thinks it would be of use. 


    The Road Committee has created a laminated card to hand out to participants at our various rides. 

    The biking guidelines are as follows: 

    • Go with the traffic flow and stay as far to the right as safety allows
    • Ride single file when cars are behind or can ride two abreast when no traffic
    • Obey all traffic laws-a bicycle is vehicle and you are a driver
    • Yield to traffic when appropriate. No earbuds or aerobats
    • Be predictable - Call out your intentions and use hand signals. Pass on the left-not on the right
    • Call out objects/obstructions and when passing, slowing or stopping
    • Call out cars ahead, behind. 
    • Watch those car doors 
    • Wear a helmet and use front and rear lights 
    • Expect other riders to call you out IF you don’t follow these safety guidelines

    Wide debris free shoulders and tailwinds- Jim Graham, Road Riding Committee

  • 28 Nov 2023 5:01 PM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

    The Gravel Committee is looking for volunteers to help develop new opportunities for gravel riding in the Verde Valley. Gravel riding is the fastest growing segment of cycling in the country, and the multiple forest roads in the Valley offer exciting new ways to develop riding. We’re looking for volunteers who want to get involved with growing Gravel. Time commitment is a few hours each month; if you want to do more, that is up to you.

    Help is needed with any/all of the following: Be a ride leader or sweep at group social rides; host gravel social rides on MeetUp; scout out new gravel roads for future group rides; and/or assist at the bigger gravel social rides associated with the Spring and Fall VVCC picnics.

    VVCC continues to advocate for gravel cycling safety and riding opportunities. If you want to get involved in these efforts, we need you! No experience needed. If interested, contact Tim Miller at


The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona.




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