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  • 18 Dec 2023 9:38 AM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

    About a year ago we focused our efforts on membership growth for a couple reasons: 1) to build a stronger & bigger local cycling community thus 2) creating more capacity to support all the great work the club does.

    So, how have we done?

    • Added 91 members over the past year, bringing the membership to 256
    • Hosted 9 events attended by over 500 people
    • Generated over 8,000 media impressions per month for the VVCC
    • Added 2 Board members:
      • Tim Miller: leading our Gravel push
      • Josh Peterson: teamed up with Lars on the MTB Committee
    • Grown all our Committees:
      • Road, Media/Membership, Events - all have 5-7 members actively involved

    With this increased capacity, we’ve accomplished quite a bit:

    • Bike Patrol: Funded/kicked off “Chime in Bell” program distributing 20k bells in the Verde Valley
    • MTB Committee
      • Worked with Red Rock Trail Crew to outline the volunteer Trail work plans
      • Drawing out large numbers of volunteers to Trail work days
      • Rolling out Caltopo to assist in identifying trail maintenance needs
      • New trails in progress: Circle Trail, Red Rock Trails Access Plan and some new things at Mingus all active
    • Road Committee:
      • Got Yavapai Co. to add a paved shoulder and rumble strips along parts of Cornville road
      • Got Hwy 89A between Cottonwood and Sedona swept
      • Partnered with the BAC Committee to add bike lanes & wider shoulders along 89A in parts of Cottonwood and Clarkdale
  • 14 Dec 2023 2:02 PM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)


    IF going for a ride and want to use one of the road routes from the website you can open the link on your phone and it will bring up the route. However, in order to “navigate” from the opened route you will have to have a subscription with RidewGPS. By “navigate”  I mean voice turn by turn guidance and written turn by turn instructions. If you do not have a subscription (at least at the “Basic” leve) you can still navigate using the map but you will have to zoom into it to get the road names at the various intersections where you will be turning to stay on route. This can obviously complicate your ability to stay on route.

    RidewGPS has a “club membership” that would allow recognized members to be able to use all the “navigation” benefits of these RidewGPS created maps. The Road Riding Committee is exploring if this might be something the VVCC might want to look into if the road riding membership thinks it would be of use. 


    The Road Committee has created a laminated card to hand out to participants at our various rides. 

    The biking guidelines are as follows: 

    • Go with the traffic flow and stay as far to the right as safety allows
    • Ride single file when cars are behind or can ride two abreast when no traffic
    • Obey all traffic laws-a bicycle is vehicle and you are a driver
    • Yield to traffic when appropriate. No earbuds or aerobats
    • Be predictable - Call out your intentions and use hand signals. Pass on the left-not on the right
    • Call out objects/obstructions and when passing, slowing or stopping
    • Call out cars ahead, behind. 
    • Watch those car doors 
    • Wear a helmet and use front and rear lights 
    • Expect other riders to call you out IF you don’t follow these safety guidelines

    Wide debris free shoulders and tailwinds- Jim Graham, Road Riding Committee

  • 28 Nov 2023 5:01 PM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

    The Gravel Committee is looking for volunteers to help develop new opportunities for gravel riding in the Verde Valley. Gravel riding is the fastest growing segment of cycling in the country, and the multiple forest roads in the Valley offer exciting new ways to develop riding. We’re looking for volunteers who want to get involved with growing Gravel. Time commitment is a few hours each month; if you want to do more, that is up to you.

    Help is needed with any/all of the following: Be a ride leader or sweep at group social rides; host gravel social rides on MeetUp; scout out new gravel roads for future group rides; and/or assist at the bigger gravel social rides associated with the Spring and Fall VVCC picnics.

    VVCC continues to advocate for gravel cycling safety and riding opportunities. If you want to get involved in these efforts, we need you! No experience needed. If interested, contact Tim Miller at

  • 28 Nov 2023 4:58 PM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

    The VVCC has an active road riding contingent. The MEETUP LINKS on the VVCC website have rides posted. Please join your fellow riders!

    The Road Riding Committee is also an advocate for road cyclists through interaction with local/state cycling organizations and local/state governments. It promotes local road riding related initiatives that support safe and accessible riding on paved roads. One significant initiative is working with Yavapai Country on the road construction currently being undertaken along Cornville Rd between Cornville and the Beaverhead Flat Rd. junction. It will have 5 foot shoulders and 12 inch rumble strips increasing cycling safety along this busy corridor. In another action, Rich Leever, a Committee Member, was successful in getting ADOT to sweep the shoulders of Hwy 89A between Cottonwood and Sedona. This responsibility had been left undone for some time. ADOT has committed to sweeping it twice a year and to evaluate the frequency of the sweep.

    The Committee needs passionate road riding members to be active participants to be effective.

    Tailwinds and wide shoulders for now.

    Submitted by Jim Graham, VVCC Road Riding Committee member.

  • 19 Nov 2023 7:48 AM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

    Greg Miranda here!

    would like to invite the Verde Valley Cyclist Coalition to one the mountain bike events (Yavapai Hustle) I host here in the Verde Valley on December 2nd. It starts and finishes at the Southwest Wine Center Tasting Room (SWWC) on the Yavapai Community College Campus.

    We have distances for everyone....2-mile kids race (free) 6, 12 and 18-mile courses (Blue) and a 20 and 32-mile more challenging course that has some black sections. 6,12 and 18-mile courses are kid friendly!

    Part of the course travels through a vineyard before entering the single track. 

    We will have live music and awards at the SWWC tasting room starting at 12:00!

    I am offering a promo discount to the VVCC members of $10.00 off per entry...$55.00 TOTAL

    Promo code is: VVCCMember! On

    All entries will receive an event t-shirt and all finishers will receive either a custom pint glass, coffee mug or event poster.

    There is a team award (18, 20 and 32-mile) also, see the attached link. (1st= $500, 2nd= $300, 3rd= $200)

    Even if you don't want to participate or volunteer, please come out and enjoy the day with like minded people!

    Hope to see you there!


  • 15 Oct 2023 7:00 AM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

    Calling ALL road riders, if you have interest in any of these rides below or have suggestions about other locations/rides that would be fun, please contact Rich Leever


    Plans are to schedule the Skull Valley Loop Ride in Prescott before it gets too cold. This is a 50 mile ride with approximately 3700 elevation gain.

    Possible ride to northern Phoenix area around the Anthem /Cave Creek Exit. Ride approximately 40-45 miles and have a meal after.  

    Tucson -- this ride will be this year or sometime in the spring. There are several rides to do as there are a lot of bike paths in Tucson. Also considering a ride up Mount Lemmon.


    There will be 2 days rides and 2 nights of overnight camping (some stay at the hotels) at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.  We ride 30-50 miles each day and some riders also plan a day of hiking.

    We may do a ride around Wupatki Monument and Sunset Crater in the spring. This would be a 50+ mile ride and may involve one or two nights camping. 

    There are at least 1-3 riders going to Park City, Utah in August 2024. We are hoping to get more signed up. They have an incredible biking infrastructure for road, gravel, mountain, and electric bikes.  

    Pedal the Petrified

    This ride is at the end of September/first of October every year and is limited to 250 riders -- the ride fills fast. We normally ride up the afternoon before and have dinner in Winslow at the Turquoise Room and then spend the night in Holbrook and ride 63 miles the next day. We often eat dinner in Flagstaff on the way back. 

    If you have interest in any of these rides or have suggestions about other locations/rides that would be fun please send your contact information to Rich Leever

  • 15 Oct 2023 6:58 AM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

    Call for Art

    The VVCC will be hosting a silent art auction at the 12/15 Holiday Party in Cottonwood. We are putting a call out to our member artists who would like to participate. Depending on the response and size of pieces, we will try to accommodate as many pieces as possible. Artists may submit multiple pieces.  

    The details:

    Who: This invitation to participate is open to all active members of the VVCC.

    What: A Silent auction where art pieces will be sold. Artists will garner 65% of sales, 35% will go to support the mission of the VVCC. Paintings, drawings, ceramics, sculpture, photography, fiber art, mixed media-all are welcome. We are unable to hang paintings on the wall so, if you are bringing a painting, you must supply an easel for display. If you cannot secure an easel, contact Mike Coyne.

    When: The Holiday Party Friday 12/15 at the Cottonwood Community Clubhouse. Art should be delivered to the Clubhouse between 11 am and 1 pm Friday 12/15. Arrangements must be made by the artists for unsold pieces to be taken home following the auction that evening. (We are unable to store pieces for a pick up later).

    Where: Cottonwood Community Clubhouse 805 N Main St., Cottonwood

    How: A jury will review submissions, we hope to exhibit as many pieces as possible but, space constraints and response may limit the number of pieces accepted. There is no fee to enter.  For each submission, participants must provide: 

    1- Photo of the piece with dimensions

    2- Name of artist, title of piece, medium and desired starting bid. Artists must also supply a mailing address (for payments). Artists can have a starting bid as low as $25 or, as high as they would like.(Artists must be prepared for a piece to sell for as low as their chosen starting bid). Bidding increments during the auction will be by $10.

    3- The money will come to VVCC and VVCC will reimburse artists via check after the event. 

    4- Submissions may be made from 10/20-12/2 and should be sent to:

    Michael Coyne via email at

    Additionally, Mike Coyne will field any questions- feel free to contact him.

    All notification of acceptances will be made by 12/5

  • 15 Oct 2023 6:51 AM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

    Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition 

    In need of a Trek Bike this year? Now until December 31st 2023 Verde Valley Cyclist Coalition Members will receive a 15% discount on select models ordered through the Trek website. These models must be purchased online and sent to one of the 2 participating locations: Thunder Mountain Bikes in Sedona or Verde Valley Bicycle Company in Cottonwood.  

    Step 1: Go to and search these bikes using the number in bold. 


    Checkpoint ALR 5 Driftless - 35814 

    Checkpoint SL 5 - 35169 

    Checkpoint SL 6 - 35170 


    Emonda SL 5 - 36974 


    Fuel EX 5 Gen 5 - 33073 

    Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 - 36348 

    Top Fuel 8 - 36789 

    Roscoe 9 – 35118 

    Step 2: Ensure you select the correct size, Thunder Mountain Bikes or Verde Valley Bicycle Company can help you with sizing. Select the correct size and click “Add to Cart.” 

    Step 3: Navigate to your cart in the top right-hand corner and click “View Cart” 

    Step 4: Your Shopping Cart will now appear; you can now enter the code VerdeValleyCoalition  where it says “Enter Promo Code” and click apply. 

    Step 5: Click “Proceed to Check Out” and finish your purchase. You will be prompted to select a delivery location. You must select Thunder Mountain Bikes in Sedona or Verde Valley Bicycle Company in Cottonwood for the option of pick up locations. 

    Step 6: Await your bike to process and ship. You will receive an email once the boxed bike arrives at the shop. Your shop will need 5 days to assemble the bicycle.  

    Step 7: Once the shop confirms the bike is ready, go by and say hi to your local shop! Bring your VVCC membership card for them to check as well. These shops love your support and can help you pick out ride essentials in store.  

    Limit 1 per person, bike must be in stock at time of order. Order must be placed on in store purchases do not qualify.

  • 24 May 2023 5:32 PM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

    Did you know that the Verde Valley has provided shelter and sustenance to human cultures for thousands of years? When the first white settlers arrived in the Verde Valley in 19th century, they discovered the remains of ancient cultures, the largest of which are now protected as National Monuments. But large numbers of major and minor archaeology sites dot the landscape and remain unprotected and, in many cases, undocumented. These sites are protected by Federal law. 

    Typically, when the Red Rock Ranger District wants to do a construction project (e.g., build a new trail), the District’s archaeologist must determine how to protect Native American archeological sites and historic properties. This may require surveying the project area and then consulting with the State Historic Preservation Office on the findings. 

    Surveys, required by law, can be costly! To plan for a slate of proposed new trails in 2024, the Forest Service asked the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund to help, by funding the $157,000 cost for the archaeological surveys of the project areas. The Trail Fund worked with Forest Archaeologists to contract with the firm Tetra Tech to conduct the surveys. The survey results, expected in August, will be used to protect cultural sites from trail construction impacts. 

    The Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund raised the funds for the Project through grants and generous donations. 

    To bring this work to life, we asked Tetra Tech’s archaeologist Katheryn “Kat” Turney the following questions and her answers follow. 

    What it’s like to perform these surveys? “It is exhilarating, exhausting, completely all-encompassing and engrossing. It can be sunny or raining, hot or cold and most archaeologists will still enjoy survey. Let’s face it, it’s not a job, it is a life’s work and done with heart and a passion for those who came before us. We always want to know more, see more, experience more. It is a life of adventure.” 

    What’s the most interesting thing you found during one of these surveys? “An intact floor in a cliff dwelling. It was if the people living there had just walked away yesterday. Doug Mitchell, my co-worker, had an interesting find while on an excavation in Calgary, Alberta. They were excavating a large buffalo kill. They had a 1 meter x 1 meter unit open and were cleaning up a vertebral column for photos. While working between two of the cervical, he heard a “click” on his trowel. He extracted what turned out to be a quartz crystal corner-notched projectile point. They later dated the bone bed to 8200 BC.”

    What was the strangest thing found during these surveys? “15 office chairs, complete with wheels, each spaced out about 50 ft. apart, a dismembered baby doll, 7 left shoes from different sized feet, a fish grave complete with aquarium set up, and lots of golf balls in very remote places.” Makes you wonder what future archaeologist will think of our time. 

    What should a lay person understand about your work? “Well, the obvious thing would be to say that we don’t do dinosaurs…but also that there is more to archaeology than just excavation. We survey, we monitor at construction sites and most of us spend more time in the office or the lab writing reports, researching and conducting artifact analysis than we do in the field.”   

    Anything else? “We really dislike stacked rocks. It’s bad for the environment, messes with what is and is not a trail and well, it irritates the crap out of us. Plain and simple, please don’t stack the rocks. If by chance you are lucky enough to find an artifact in the field, please take all the pictures you can and then leave it where you found it. An artifact out of context is not helpful to the archaeological record. Oh, and if you find something interesting, call me!” 

    For more information on the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund and how you can support our projects, please visit our website at To find out more about the Verde Valley’s human history, please visit the Verde Valley Archaeology Center and Museum in Camp Verde.

  • 11 May 2023 7:11 AM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)

    Spring has sprung, so we are looking to grow our VVCC committees. We hope some of you are willing to help our committees accomplish more great things in the months and years ahead. 

    We are hoping to have well-staffed committees, and hope that many of you would be interested in helping out. The VVCC Board has done a great job of getting the VVCC growing again, but we are at the point where we need your help. IT TAKES A VILLAGE! We are looking for self-starters, folks that can look at a committee description and say: “This is how I want to support VVCC!” and act on that ambition.

    Here are the opportunities for you to get involved.

    Media Committee

    The Media Committee provides the voice for the VVCC. The VVCC Website, Newsletter and Social Media accounts (Instagram and Facebook) are managed by the Media Committee. The VVCC Website and Newsletter are managed through Wild Apricot. If you have any experience with WordPress or any other website content management system or want to learn, you can help out with the website updates and/or improvements. If you have any experience with MailChimp or any email marketing platform or want to learn, you can help out with the monthly Newsletter. If you enjoy creating content on social media, reach out! The coverage of Trail Work Days, VVCC Events and cycling-related News are all popular topics with VVCC Members. If any of this sounds appealing, we can REALLY use the help. Contact:

    Events / Membership Committee(s)

    The VVCC membership is growing again!! The largest contributor to the growth are the Events. The VVCC has upped our game with our regular Fall & Spring Picnics and Holiday Party. And, we are planning to have six additional gatherings September '23 - May '24 with our Business Sponsors. Plus, we are working with our Business Sponsors to continue to bring new things to the Events and new benefits to the VVCC Members.  And, we're actively in discussions with additional Business Sponsors that the VVCC membership would value. So, if you enjoy party planning, leading group rides, collaborating/brainstorming with small businesses in the Verde Valley, party logistics, etc...., we could REALLY use your help. Contact: or

    Fundraising Committee

    The Fundraising Committee works to raise money to support our Member events as well as trails and road & gravel advocacy efforts. We’re looking for energetic people who like to reach out to community businesses and organizations for financial donations and items in kind that could be used in our fundraising efforts (e.g., raffles), and that enjoy conducting raffle ticket sales at VVCC events. If that sounds like you, we could use your help. Contact:

    Road & Gravel Advocacy Committee

    The Road & Gravel Committee is looking for volunteers to help develop new opportunities for gravel riding in the Verde Valley. Gravel riding is the fastest growing segment of cycling in the country and the multiple forest roads in the Valley offers exciting new was to develop riding. We’re looking for volunteers who want to get involved with growing Gravel. VVCC continues to advocate for road cycling safety and opportunities. This aspect of cycling is one of VVCC’s greatest needs to fill. If you want to get involved in these efforts, we need you!   Contact:

    Time Commitment:

    For all committees, the commitment would average around 2 to 3 hours a month. If you want to do more, that is up to you. The more people on the committee, the less work it will be for everyone. No experience needed.


    The pay? Knowing that you are making the Verde Valley a better place to ride! 

    We hope that many of you will join one of our committees and help us maximize our impact in the Verde Valley!


The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona.




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